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YOGA Articles & Tutorials

Root Chakra (Muladhara)

The Symbols of Chakras: Understanding the Significance of Each

JulianApr 28, 2023

There are 7 Symbols of Chakras. While researching yoga and…

yoga pose shoulder down

Exploring the Power of Bija Mantras: A Guide to Enhancing Your Meditation Practice

JulianApr 28, 2023

Meditation is an ancient practice that has been used for…


Pranayama Breathing Techniques: A Guide to Calm Your Mind With Video

JulianApr 28, 2023

Pranayama is a Sanskrit word that means “control of breath.”…

yoga exercise

3 Yoga Poses to Help Relieve Stress and Anxiety

JulianApr 27, 2023

Yoga is a great way to relieve stress and anxiety,…

Yoga Sitting Poses

Unlock the Benefits of Yoga Sitting Poses: Improve Posture and Reduce Stress

JulianApr 26, 2023

There are approximately 60 yoga sitting Poses or also called…

Pup Yoga

Pup Yoga or Puppy Yoga – The Benefits of Doing Yoga with Your Furry Friend

JulianApr 26, 2023

Yoga is a great way to improve your physical and…

GOLF Articles & Tutorials

Root Chakra (Muladhara)

The Symbols of Chakras: Understanding the Significance of Each

JulianApr 28, 2023

There are 7 Symbols of Chakras. While researching yoga and…

yoga pose shoulder down

Exploring the Power of Bija Mantras: A Guide to Enhancing Your Meditation Practice

JulianApr 28, 2023

Meditation is an ancient practice that has been used for…


Pranayama Breathing Techniques: A Guide to Calm Your Mind With Video

JulianApr 28, 2023

Pranayama is a Sanskrit word that means “control of breath.”…

yoga exercise

3 Yoga Poses to Help Relieve Stress and Anxiety

JulianApr 27, 2023

Yoga is a great way to relieve stress and anxiety,…

Yoga Sitting Poses

Unlock the Benefits of Yoga Sitting Poses: Improve Posture and Reduce Stress

JulianApr 26, 2023

There are approximately 60 yoga sitting Poses or also called…

Pup Yoga

Pup Yoga or Puppy Yoga – The Benefits of Doing Yoga with Your Furry Friend

JulianApr 26, 2023

Yoga is a great way to improve your physical and…