Hot Yoga Burlington Vermont
- (802) 999-9963
- May 10, 2023
Our style, Shotokan, is non-contact with basic components consisting of blocking, punching, kicking and striking. Classes are offered for anyone over eight years of age. Instruction is available for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. ASK of Napa is a member of the International Shotokan Karate Federation (ISKF). This membership ensures the highest standard and uniformity of teaching, ranking and competition judging. Rick and Chela are the owners and chief instructors at ASK of Napa. They trained under the guidance of their instructor, Sensei Greg Leonard, who retired in 2001. Rick is ranked Sandan (third degree black belt) and Chela, Yondan (fourth degree black belt) with the ISKF, the largest karate group in the world.